Tag Archives: alison williams

“You can work anything out, if you just talk about it.”


I don’t pretend to be very good at this. I mean, what is this? My third review? Really. I’m trying my best to be coherent, not make too many grammatical mistakes, and get my thoughts out without sounding like an idiot. I find this whole thing terrifying, actually. Writing down words that can be judged and scrutinized is fucking scary. Especially because I’m an adult woman who has told the world – hold on a minute – I’m not ready for you. I want to spend years learning and writing, you know, that whole academia thing. So here I am, opening myself up to you and your judgment and your criticism. All I ask is that you’re kind and that you don’t remain silent. Try opening up your veins and pouring your passion out on a keyboard. It’s scary, yes. But it’s also the most empowering kind of risk.

I have to be honest. I could barely make it through the last two episodes the one time; I sure as hell wasn’t going to re-watch them before writing about them. Reviewer rule number one? Always re-watch the episodes. I’m breaking the rules already. Obviously.

If you haven’t already watched the episodes, I won’t fuck you over by including any spoilers. But let’s just say that the past two episodes dealt with death. Yes, dark and dim, these episodes were a package deal. A story arch from the beginning of episode four extended to the end of episode five. While excruciating to watch, for the most part, the intense feelings of discomfort were masterfully created. I couldn’t watch these episodes more than once, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t function incredibly well within the series. Good art is not about whether you liked it or not, although that seems to be the only thing that’s discussed when talking about TV. Did you like it? Which character are you? I’m a Jessa. No, you’re a Marnie. Who the fuck cares. “Do you like it” pales in comparison to “What did it mean?” or “How did it work?” Tell me how it made you feel, and how that feeling made you question the world around you. Did I like these episodes? Not particularly. Did they make me stay awake all night and think about death and love and the axis on which my world revolves around? Fuck yes.

We’re not even halfway through the season, dear friends, and we’ve already had some wild cameos and guest appearances. Shout-outs this week to Jennifer Westfield for her ingenious portrayal of a grieving wife and Gaby Hoffmann for the immediacy she continues to bring to every role she plays. There is so much more to look forward to. Will Adam’s redemption continue? He is being written as the moral compass of the show these days. He is acting as ‘us’, the audience. Adam is challenging Hannah’s behavior in the same way we do – he’s asking the questions that we’re yelling at the screen. Will Jessa continue to be the most deplorable character on contemporary television? As someone who used to consider her the most faceted and compelling, her character is becoming monotonous. Maybe it’s a direct narrative strategy for what is to come, hopefully. Also — seriously consider watching these episodes for no other reason than to see some long-overdue sexual tension get released by Marnie, the girl who is wound so tight that sex becomes the best way for her to relax. This scandal is a fun little story line that we all know will end terribly. So fun. And Shosh? Well, we’re also waiting on her. These episodes were dark and hard and beautiful and hilarious and light, all at once. That is the brilliance of the work. Sunday night can’t come soon enough.


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